Knitting My Socks Off!

As expected, I received some more happy dance inducing packages at the end of last week. Etsy, you'll be the death of me (or at least my credit card).

The Junkyarn podcast did a review of Spun Right Round sock yarn a few episodes back, and I had been stalking her Etsy shop ever since. I managed to score some during a shop update, and had been checking my mailbox compulsively all last week until it finally arrived. I got the Graffiti colorway, and it's really spectacular!
Scrolling through some of the Ravelry projects was really inspiring- cannot wait to knit this up into something wonderful. It's 80% Superwash Merino and 20% Nylon, but it feels so soft! It will make a gorgeous pair of socks, when I finally decide which pair to knit it with.

During a late night insomnia attack I stumbled across the Ethereal Fibers shop on Etsy and really liked her logophile series of colors- and this particular yarn had stellina (hello, sparkle)! It's called Foudroyant (which, according to means "striking as with lightning; sudden and overwhelming in effect; stunning; dazzling") and it really is the most breathtaking shades of orange- I do love me some orange! 
Kellee packaged it with a cute decorated clothespin (which I plan on attaching a magnet to and putting on the fridge), and a thoughtful hand-written card. Love when Etsy sellers include sweet finishing touches like that- it makes the unwrapping such fun! I have been on a mega sock knitting spree lately, so I think I'll use these to make some more lovely socks- though the Ethereal Fibers may become another Hitchhiker (for me this time). I'm still on the fence about that- but the more I look at it, the more I want to show it off.

I finished my Almondine socks on Sunday. They took FAR longer than they should have- especially since I cast on the second sock on Thursday night and grafted the toe on Sunday morning- but I'm really happy with them. I actually blocked these socks (which I've never, ever done), due in no small part to the fact I got some super cute sock blockers.
They have alpacas on them- totally adorable! Here they are in the nude.
Of course it's 80 degrees outside now, but these pretty socks will be ready to go when the temperature drops again. Winter is always coming in New England.

Speaking of Winter coming (har har)... I cast on for a new pair of socks during Game of Thrones last night. Not sure if it was because I haven't knit toe-up socks in ages, or that the episode was just so good- but I had to frog and reknit the toe about four times until I was happy with how it was coming along. I'm using the Flying North pattern with the Toil & Trouble yarn I got last week in Salem.
Could not be happier with this yarn and pattern combination! The yarn is soft and knits up a gorgeous flecked fabric, and the pattern is super intuitive and easy enough for TV knitting. Hopefully these will be finished quickly.

In other news, I've decided to go on a yarn diet this month- mostly due to me going WAY overboard in April. Now, that doesn't include the yarn I ordered last week which is currently in transit- obviously- but it does mean I'll be knitting from my stash for a while. I consider this a personal challenge, and am going to try to get as much knit up in the month of May as I can. I've got big plans- you can check them out on Instagram!
