More Rollers and a Return to Pebble Beach

I did manage to finish another pair of Rose City Rollers on Friday night- these were in Peepaloo Fields Unexpected Belly Buster colorway, and they are so much fun!

Though the Instagram KAL ended on Saturday (and, no, I didn't win anything- frowny face :(  ), I can definitely see myself knitting up lots more of these delightful little socks in future. They hardly use any yarn, so I can use plenty of the lovely sock yarn I've been hoarding. Plus, they're just SOOO fast! I memorized the pattern already, so they've been hanging out in the world with me pretty often. I took them out with me to bar trivia last Wednesday without issue (didn't win that either). I even knit a few rows while waiting for Spoon to take the stage at the House of Blues (but quickly put it away once the spirit of dance started moving me). They're the perfect travel companions!

I finally picked up my Pebble Beach Shawl again. I honestly don't know why I decided to put this down- it's coming along beautifully!

The rows are getting to be really long (which is how most shawls work, after all), and I wouldn't call this TV knitting because of the lace and keeping track of the rows (but maybe that's just me)- so I'm really only working on it when I have a solid chunk of time to dedicate and focus on it, which makes it quite meditative. I've mostly been listening to the Voyager audiobook (Book 3 in the Outlander series) while knitting this, and maybe it's the fangirl in me, but this color totally reminds me of Jamie's hair. I am such a dweeb, I know. But I think it just makes me love it more! Hopefully some binge knitting/Outlander listening sessions will get this shawl completed by the end of the week. Fingers crossed!

Not much else going on at the moment. Trying to decide which socks to cast on next- I'm thinking a patriotic pair in Desert Vista Dyeworks red, white, and blue stripes would be lovely to wear... I'm just not sure I'll be able to finish in time for the Fourth of July. Hmmm. That might just be the challenge I need!


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